The must-have software for furniture manufacturers, designers, craftsmen and carpenters.

Teowin Manufacturing is the most comprehensive specialised software for furniture manufacturers.


Draw, and then let the software issue the BOM, optimise materials, automate...


Control incoming and outgoing materials and supervise the administrative management of the factory.


Able to display furniture in 3D with multiple properties.

Teowin Manufacturing displays your furniture in 3D while turning them into dynamic objects, integrating as many parameters as necessary in order to contemplate all possible variants (dimensions, colours, models, cuts, handles, etc.)

100% configurable furniture

Manage all the parameters thanks to our furniture engineering features

Once the furniture is mapped in 3D, Teowin Manufacturing generates all the technical documentation necessary to clearly define all its specifications and commercial properties (planimetry, BOM calculation, renders, prices, etc.).

Control every inch of your furniture items

Edit all the production and selling documentation necessary in order to describe your furniture

Upon order registration, Teowin Manufacturing automatically calculates the material supply and handles all the tasks to be carried out during production. It also generates all the reports necessary to coordinate the operators’ work (cutting, edge banding, machining, assembly, etc.)

Calculate production workflow automatically

Optimise production materials and automatically generate machining and BOM calculations

If your factory is equipped with digital machines (beam saws, CNC, Nesting, edge banders, etc.), Teowin Manufacturing generates their connection programmes and automates the workflow by transmitting to the machines all the necessary information in order to carry out the tasks.

Connect to all the factory machines, regardless of brand or model

Automate production tasks by programming the machines: beam saw, CNC, edge-bander...

Teowin Manufacturing also allows you to calculate the actual costs incurred in the furniture manufacturing process. The raw materials, the workforce and all the elements affecting your production costs are taken into account.

Control your manufacturing costs manufacturing costs

Set your prices according to the real cost of your furniture items

Teowin Manufacturing includes the Business management module. Its main purpose is to simplify customer billing and supplier monitoring. This module can be paired with Manufacturing Resources Planning to automate purchasing management.

Oversee all your company's services with a single tool

Teowin Manufacturing is the software’s basic module for manufacturing. It can be paired with other modules such as Parcels management, Inventory management, Work management, CRM, Treasury and Accounting, etc.

Ask for a demo

Observe Teowin's agility in each of its facets (3D design, BOM drafting, and special furniture items manufacturing : discover its many features and advantages.


Visualise all the services included in our technical support to ensure success for your software deployment. Start using it today!

Download the new features list.

Discover the new version of Teowin 11.0, including the export module to the new graphic engine allowing to navigate in real time, always with high-quality renders.

Discover what our
software can do for you

Through our demonstrations you can visualize the agility of Teowin in each of its facets (3D design, cutting and manufacturing of special furniture), and observe all its tools and advantages